quinta-feira, outubro 05, 2006

Isto comeca a cheirar muito, muito mal...

O Department of Homeland Security vai investir dinheiro num projecto para identificar opinioes negativas sobre os USA nos media estrangeiros. Eles acham que assim podem proteger-se melhor e identificar ameacas aoa EUA... Alguem me explica como querem descobrir ameacas idfentificando opinioes negativas em jornais esstrangeiros?

"Ultimately, the government could in a semiautomated way track a statement by specific individuals abroad or track reports by particular foreign news outlets or journalists, rating comments about American policies or officials.", NY Times, 4.10.2006

Ah, e claro que e para ser usado so no estrangeiro, porque as leis americanas so protegem cidadaos americanos...
"Federal law prohibits the Homeland Security Department or other intelligence agencies from building such a database on American citizens, and no effort would be made to do that, a spokesman for the department, Christopher Kelly, said. But there would be no such restrictions on using foreign news media, Mr. Kelly said.",NY Times, 4.10.2006